© Nina Siewert
© Nina Siewert

It's difficult, of course. Even though, at the moment, I'm a very enthusiastic reader of Olga Grjasnowa's books:
Die juristische Unschärfe einer Ehe, Der verlorene Sohn, Gott ist nicht schüchtern! - all of them, really!
And while When Nina Knew by David Grossman has accompanied and occupied me for a long time, it is nevertheless the novel MIROLOI by Karen Köhler that I have both lost and won my heart and mind to.

The incomparable formulations that Karen Köhler has discovered are what make it so special for me. To address the big, the very biggest issues in this most delicate way. The book is a leap into the depths of our society. It's hard-hitting and existential, told from the point of view of a young woman in a seemingly alienated world she can't fit into.
The position of women in a deeply male-structured world is rendered here clearly, unflinchingly, with rich detail and astute observation!
It had me hooked and I was able to read with more senses than just my naked eyes. Thank you for this great literature! This Miroloi! Because it' really is a song, it's music.
Just like in life, we must and can endure silence (see page 424).

I started reading the book in Germany in 2021 and it accompanied me on a trip through Portugal (see attached photo).
It was, so to speak, the liberation from being »locked up« for a long time, going back into the world.  

Nina Siewert, 27 April 2022