Ruhrtriennale Freundeskreis & Club.Ruhr

The Friends of the Ruhrtriennale is a community of people interested in the arts who want to actively shape the festival and experience the cultural landscape of the region together. The Friends of the Ruhrtriennale share a passion for the artistic creations of their festival - from music theatre to drama and performance to dance, concerts and visual arts.

As a support association, the Freundeskreis has been committed to the Ruhrtriennale since 2005 and supports the realisation of selected festival productions as well as special activities to communicate the programme to a young audience.

Become part of the community and benefit from advantages such as early information about the festival programme, exclusive advance ticket purchase rights and invitations to rehearsals and other events. Take the opportunity to get to know the festival makers personally and exchange ideas with other arts enthusiasts!

Lernen Sie uns kennen!

Möchten Sie dem Festival noch näher sein und Festivalmacher:innen und kulturbegeisterte Menschen aus der Region treffen? Dann empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Mitgliedschaft im Freundeskreis der Ruhrtriennale! Als Vereinsmitglied profitieren Sie unter anderem vom Vorkaufsrecht für Tickets sowie der Einladung zu Proben und weiteren Veranstaltungen.

Sind Sie neugierig? Dann laden wir Sie zur Generalprobe von „Le Jardin de Délices“ am 6. September ein. Dort treffen Sie Mitglieder sowie Mitarbeitende des Festivals, die Ihre Fragen zum Förderverein beantworten können. Melden Sie sich direkt an und schuppern Sie rein!

Prolog 2023

Bei der offiziellen Auftaktveranstaltung zur Ruhrtriennale 2023 trafen sich über 300 Mitglieder des Fördervereins! Nach dem Empfang durch Intendantin Barbara Frey, Geschäftsführerin Dr. Vera Battis-Reese und Vereinsvorständin Bettina Eickhoff, fand die Generalprobe der Eröffnungspremiere statt.

© Christoph Sebastian
© Christoph Sebastian
© Christoph Sebastian
© Christoph Sebastian


The Club.Ruhr is the young Freundeskreis of the Ruhrtriennale. The members experience the festival together every year and take a look behind the scenes. In addition, Club.Ruhr also meets outside the festival for excursions to events and explores the cultural institutions in the region together. Club.Ruhr is open to anyone between 18 and 35 who is interested in participating in cultural activities together - regardless of whether you are studying, working or doing an apprenticeship!

You can find more information about the activities of Club.Ruhr here.
You can reach Club.Ruhr at the e-mail address

Register for the Club.Ruhr newsletter!

Become a member

Become a Friend, Supporter or Partner or take on a voluntary role, for example by talking to and looking after new members. Each level of support also includes benefits before and during the Ruhrtriennale as our way of saying thank you for your involvement.

Please send the completed registration form by e-mail to

These memberships are available:

Your benefits

  • Exclusive presale

    Buy your tickets for the Ruhrtriennale already one week before the official presale start. This year, members of the Freundeskreis can already purchase tickets on 20 April 2023!

  • Personal presentation of the festival programme

    At the annual members' meeting you will get an insight into the Ruhrtriennale programme before everyone else and have the opportunity to meet the artistic director and artistic team of the Ruhrtriennale in person.

  • Invitation to the prologue

    For the Freundeskreis, the festival starts earlier: at the prologue you get a special look behind the scenes of the festival before the opening. This year you can experience the dress rehearsal of the opening production of the Ruhrtriennale 2023.

  • Dress rehearsal visits

    Visit public dress rehearsals of the Ruhrtriennale together with members of Freundeskreis.

  • Members' Newsletter

    With the newsletter for members you will always be the first to receive all information about the Ruhrtriennale.

Thank you for your support!

We would like to thank all friends of the Ruhrtriennale and especially the sponsors of 2023:

Ingeborg El Dib
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer
Ursula Müller
N. N.
Dr. phil. Bernhard Wiebel