Das Bild zeigt das Cover von Ryoji Ikedas "continuum".
Das Bild zeigt das Cover von Ryoji Ikedas "continuum". | © Daniel Dalfovo
Ryoji Ikedas "continuum" liegt aufgeschlagen auf einem Tisch, eine große Fensterfront ist im Hintergrund zu sehen.
Ryoji Ikedas "continuum" liegt aufgeschlagen auf einem Tisch, eine große Fensterfront ist im Hintergrund zu sehen. | © Daniel Dalfovo
© Daniel Dalfovo
© Daniel Dalfovo

Around 220 pages of narrative and images on Ikeda’s precise exploration of audio-video elements (point, line, noise …) in space, across time, with different media. Great sketches by the artist and technical drawings exuding a love for detail (and to fall in love with), both, across the physical structure of his art installations and across the mathematical and physical phenomenon behind them. I would have loved to see his work at the Kraftzentrale in 2012 and it is so beautiful to now play this venue myself.

Daniel Dalfovo, Berlin Kreuzberg, Atelier, 6 April 2021

Douglas Coupland: Generation X

Douglas Coupland: Generation X | © Daniel Dalfovo
Douglas Coupland: Generation X | © Daniel Dalfovo
Douglas Coupland: Generation X | © Daniel Dalfovo

As the title suggests, this is a book about the peculiarities of a specific generation. The story is told in such a natural way that one instantly sympathizes with the boredom, loneliness and search of the protagonists. One empathizes and laughs along with them. The book is now 30 years old, but at the end of the day it reads seamlessly connected to current events.

Daniel Dalfovo, Berlin Schöneberg, 6 April 2021
Creative Coding D • I • E