© Anna Drexler
© Anna Drexler
© Anna Drexler

Last winter, I gave birth to my second child and ever since then, I haven’t read a single book. I was too tired. However, right now, things are getting better. The past few days, I started to read Die Krume Brot by Lukas Bärfuss. Most of the time, I read when the moments are inconspicuous, for instance when I ride on the packed bus to the kindergarten or during the three-minute stops of the tram, when I am bringing my daughter along in the carrier while I am cradling her. Despite that I immediately immerse myself into the book and felt compelled to cry on the first page already. The story overwhelms you like electric current.  Entire years pass by in just a few sentences. It is as if the story were told without taking a single breath. Nevertheless, you experience the numerous small dramatic, tragic and weird parts the people go through in such a painful manner that it causes my heart to tear up. It is so fantastic to be reading again. 

Anna Drexler, 5 June 2023