© Martin Holtappels | LWL-Industriemuseum

International, diverse and yet rooted in the region: that is the Ruhrtriennale, which invites contemporary artists to perform in the monumental industrial architecture of the Metropole Ruhr. Factory halls, coking plants, machine houses, slag heaps and wastelands of the mining and steel industries are transformed into impressive venues at the intersection of music theatre, drama, dance, performance, concert and visual arts. Every late summer, the show presents current developments in the international art and culture scene.

With the exclusive ZEIT trip from 17 to 20 August 2023, you will experience, among other things, Sergei Rachmaninoff's "The Great Evening Praise and Morning Praise op. 37" presented by the Chorwerk Ruhr and you will be present at the Burgtheater Vienna's guest performance when the curtain rises on William Shakespeare's masterpiece "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - staged by the Ruhrtriennale's artistic director Barbara Frey. Music expert Ralf Tiedemann accompanies you on your journey to the Ruhrtriennale.

Find out more about the planned programme of the trip directly from our partner ZEIT Reisen.

Travel highlights