Safe Space becomes High Field - Junge Triennale hands over its project location to a new sponsor

v.l.n.r.: Petra Müller (SchulKulturKontaktStelle), Reinhard Schmidt (EG DU), Maximiliane Horbach (SchulKulturKontaktStelle), Max Bilitza (Project management), Rüdiger Eichholtz (Cultural educator) und Anne Britting (Ruhrtriennale) | © Uwe Köppen

In 2019, the Junge Triennale moved into the project location Safe Space in Duisburg-Hochfeld under the artistic direction of Stefanie Carp. In a store on Brückenplatz, a cultural meeting place for young people was set up together with young people from the neighborhood as part of the #nofear project, and from February 2020 (when Lockdown was not in progress) creative workshops and projects with artists and cultural workers took place.

With the association Kulturprojekte Niederrhein e. V., we have found successors who will continue the work on site - thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the SchulKulturKontaktStelle of the City of Duisburg. Under the new project management of Max Bilitza, the site, renamed High Field, will continue to be open to children and young people for artistic experiments, and the close cooperation with schools in Duisburg-Hochfeld will continue. The Junge Triennale will also be a guest at High Field with individual projects.

We are very happy that our project idea lives on and wish our successors and all children and young people, teachers and educators in Duisburg-Hochfeld creative experiences in the High Field!

Some project results from the time of the Junge Triennale in Safe Space can be found in the digital exhibition #nofear: on air!