Respublika, Łukasz Twarkowski
Respublika, Łukasz Twarkowski | © Isabel Machado Rios, Ruhrtriennale 2022

Director and artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale Barbara Frey - who has just been awarded Switzerland's highest theatre prize - and her team are positive about their second festival edition. "We wished for nothing more than to be accepted as a place of encounter and pluralistic artistic debate equally by the audience and all those involved in the festival. This is exactly what we experienced," said Barbara Frey, artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale 2021-23, summing up the festival: "Despite the pandemic, the climate crisis, the war in Ukraine and the consequences for all of us, we were able to realise an intensive festival with artists from many parts of the world as well as the region. It was a pleasure and we bow to our visitors, the artists and the whole team."

Shortly before the end of the six-week festival, an overall occupancy rate of around 75 per cent is expected. With around 26,000 tickets issued and a further 37,000 people using the events with free admission at various venues, around 63,000 people attended this year's Ruhrtriennale.

Dr. Vera Battis-Reese, managing director of Kultur Ruhr GmbH, also draws a successful balance for this year's Ruhrtriennale, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022. "Despite the challenging situation in society as a whole, the Ruhrtriennale 2022 was able to attract around 63,000 people. We are very happy about this. That this was possible in another special year is thanks to our numerous supporters, partners and the entire festival team." The forward-thinking programme offer could be carried out without any significant corona-related changes since its release in April 2022.