We want to become more sustainable! What has the process been like so far and what experience have we already gained? What does carbon footprint mean and what goals are we pursuing? In the context of Jetzt! A Weekend for the Climate we talk about findings, successes and the future.

Jetzt! Ein Wochenende fürs Klima (Teaser)

Under the title Jetzt! A Weekend for the Climate, nine Bochum cultural and educational institutions are planning a three-day programme from 18–20 November2022, with music, dance, performance, workshops, discussions and live reporting from the UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh. The climate weekend kicks off on Friday, 18 November, at 5 pm with a visually powerful protest action in cooperation with Fridays for Future on Hans-Schalla-Platz. This will be followed at 6 pm in the Kammerspiele by the panel discussion Climate [Change]. Facts, goals, perspectives.

On Sunday, November 20, Rebecca Heinzelmann and Regina Weidmann (sustainability working group of the Ruhrtriennale) will speak about the Ruhrtriennale's sustainability efforts, goals, experiences, insights, and how the process can be made permanent in the long term, starting at 1 pm in Von der Bilanz zur Strategie - nachhaltige Transformations im Kunst- und Kulturbetrieb. Participation is possible via Zoom at ruhrtriennale.de/sustainability. In addition, the lecture will also be broadcast in the auditorium of the Bergbaumuseum Bochum.

You can find the entire programm here. Admission to all events of the weekend is free.

In addition to the Ruhrtriennale, the Schauspielhaus Bochum, the Bochum Symphony Orchestra, the Bochum Art Museum, the Planetarium, the VHS, the ROTTSTR 5 THEATER, the Prinz Regent Theater and the German Mining Museum Bochum are participating.