Vergessene Opfer, Elena Schwarz, Duisburger Philharmoniker
Vergessene Opfer, Elena Schwarz, Duisburger Philharmoniker | © Thomas Berns, Ruhrtriennale 2022

In their programme at the Ruhrtriennale 2022, the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra, under the musical direction of Elena Schwarz, explore existential experiences. In the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, they perform works by Galina Ustwolskaja, Olivier Messiaen, Luigi Nono and Franz Liszt. On 25 January 25 2023, the program will be broadcast on WDR 3 Concert.

Radical to the point of self-sacrifice, the Russian composer Galina Ustwolskaja refused the dictates of Socialist Realism. For 10 years she composed only for the drawer. The shattering, existential power of her works is demonstrated by the Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Elena Schwarz by means of her 1st and 3rd symphonies. If the 1st Symphony is about the hardships of a child in the capitalist big city, Ustwolskaja's Third is an expression of her deep religiosity: »Jesus Messiah save us.« Not only does this establish a link with the devout Catholic Olivier Messiaen; in his work, too, pain becomes sound. »Les offrandes oubliées« is an orchestral meditation on the sufferings of Christ. Luigi Nono was an avowed Italian communist and atheist. But suffering and pain were also starting points for an orchestral work for him in 1951. He designed his »Composizione No.1« as a musical memorial to the Czech resistance fighter Julius Fučík.

Recording from 11 September 2022 from the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum. The concert will be available for re-listening for 30 days the day after the broadcast.