William Walker Atkinson: Thought Vibration or Law of Attraction in the Thought World | © Paige A. Flash
William Walker Atkinson: Thought Vibration or Law of Attraction in the Thought World | © Paige A. Flash

My book that I chose is called Thought Vibration or Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson, published in 1906.

From my knowledge of the subject this book is considered the original book written discussing the phenomena known as »Law of Attraction«.  The first portion of Atkinson's life was spent as an attorney until he had a complete physical and mental breakdown after suffering a financial ruin. Through his healing process he writes this book on his discoveries of how the brain's internal life creates a human's external life. He names this Mental Science. 

For me this book feels more like a scholarly read delving more so into the pragmatic reasons why this phenomenon is such a truism for creating the world we want. I specifically like the fact that this book is available (thanks to it's public domain status) to be available as an audiobook. I play this book sometimes on my computer and listen to the narrator as I doze off to sleep. If I don't finish the entire thing consciously then I know that as I am sleeping I am still listening subconsciously.  So I use this book as a sleep hypnosis aid. It is short but packed with powerful statements. Because the chapters in this book are concise one can flip to a part that can be read whenever one wants to be reminded of its words. I am an occultist and a philosopher of many of the universal laws of nature such as, Law of Vibration (this states that all objects, living or not, contain a vibrational force.) This has been proven with quantum mechanics. I would like to hear more on the Law of Time. I believe this law is the reason why we can feel so alone in such a vast universe. I believe that alien lifeforms come and go with the Law of Time also working to separate us from our knowledge of each other.

Audio Book on Youtube

Paige A. Flash, 20 May 2021
Performance A Divine Comedy