© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss
© Lukas Bärfuss

Rigoberta Menchú: Klage der Erde. Der Kampf der Campesinos in Guatemala [Lament of the Earth. The struggle of the campesinos in Guatemala]
Jim Pieper: Guatemala Masks&Drama
Michael D. Coe: Breaking the Maya Code
Tvetan Todorov: Die Eroberung Amerikas. Das Problem des Anderen [The Conquest of America. The Question of the Other]

»The suffering still manifests itself violently: in hunger, in diseases, in the mass death of our children, in a racism that violates the essence of the human being, and in the contemptuous behaviour towards us poor Guatemalans, who are the majority. A very rich minority is imposing this situation on us - military and civilians - who have been profiting for centuries from this wealth created by the sweat and labour of the immense majority of our people. Now, though, the consciousness of our people, the organisation and the struggle, bear very vivid witness to a people who are striving for a better future.«

                                                                                                  Rigoberata Menchú, 1992

Entry by Lukas Bärfuss, Zurich, 29 March 2022