© Louisa Robin

I am writing these lines in memory of last October / November 2022. Looking back, this was the time when I experienced my most intensive phase for the Jetzt & Jetzt project and during this time I read the book The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune.

I didn't choose the book for the project for research reasons or because of a certain background, to be honest, also not necessarily because of the blurb or the cover (unfortunately, that also plays a role for me as someone who is aesthetically inclined from time to time) but simply because my best friend recommended it to me.

As the name suggests, this is a fantasy novel, but I found it surprisingly heart-warming, sensitive and with cleverly plotted and meaningful messages.

They fear what they do not understand. And fear turns to hate. They probably don't understand the reasons themselves. T.J. Klune

Especially after long and, by the end of autumn, early dark days at the desk and in front of the laptop, this colourful and warm world was a friendly and longed-for destination in the evening.

Maybe that's why I chose very bright and strong colours for the first shades of the design. In the end, they probably didn't turn out that way, but maybe my subconscious or Linus Baker played a little trick on me...

Louisa Robin, Dortmund, 26 May 2023