Marco Balzano: Resto Qui | © Alba Tedeschi
Marco Balzano: Resto Qui | © Alba Tedeschi

My grandpa Euge used to sit with me in the kitchen and, while eating something behind grandma’s back, tell me how history is built on doubts. I remember that kitchen table which I really didn’t like, it made a horrible noise while scratching the dark brown floor. But I was somehow every time eager for him to explain to me how it’s the questions, rather than the answers, that bring the history forward.
Are art and culture necessary?? How not to ask ourselves this question these days and months?
History is moving forward with a very loud YES.
This book proves it on so many levels. The author turns what appears to be a charming selfie on its back and unravels the black hole behind it.
Thank you to my parents in law for this perfect present. I devoured it right after my birthday this February and I am still stunned by all the question marks left in my head. 

Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, 18 June 2021
Performance / Piano A Divine Comedy