© Daniela Kleint

As part of the #nofear project, the Junge Triennale is looking for young people aged 14 and over who would like to become part of the Ruhrtriennale 2021. The multi-day workshop Teens in the House invites young people at the start of the new school year to build a village in the middle of the festival. Teens in the House sees itself as a residence for explorations, interventions and exchange with artists and festival guests. The free offer of the Junge Triennale will take place at PACT Zollverein in Essen-Katernberg, Bullmannaue 20a.

It starts after the NRW summer holidays with a joint house-building weekend on 4 and 5 September. The young people will build and design individual ›One SQM Houses‹, translated as ›one-square-metre houses‹, according to plans by the architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel, who became famous for his "Hartz IV furniture".

During the subsequent four-day residency from 8 to 11 September, the group will meet on the grounds of PACT Zollverein and explore the festival programme together. The houses are the group's starting point for visits to performances, workshops on feminism and contemporary dance, and meetings with artists. The young people will report on their impressions on social media.

For further information and registration, please contact Anne Britting, Project Manager #nofear and Dramaturg Junge Triennale, by email at jungetriennale@ruhrtriennale.de, by phone at 0234 97483-337 or on Instagram at @jungetriennale.

The Junge Triennale gives children and young people the opportunity to experience and make their own art and culture. As part of the Ruhrtriennale, the Junge Triennale shows productions for young audiences, families and school classes and invites children and young people to artistic projects and workshops. The Junge Triennale is funded by the Mercator Foundation.