© Mischa Leinkauf / VG Bild-Kunst

Galerie alexander levy presents Mischa Leinkauf's second solo exhibition, entitled Trans-Scenic Practice, from September 16 to October 29, 2022.

Mischa Leinkauf's interventions, videos and photographs deal with the hidden and forbidden possibilities of so-called public space and practice appropriation and subversion of these very spaces through artistic setting. His latest series of works, entitled Physical Dialectics, was commissioned by the Ruhrtriennale in the Ruhr region. For the series, Leinkauf has gained access to the colossal architectures of former and contemporary industry, cultural buildings and residential complexes, becoming an observer of a multi-layered juxtaposition of human labor over the last 100 years, hidden vertically from deep underground to high behind the modern glass and steel facades of post-industrial employment fields. For the questions of the relationship between man and work, man and architecture, the concept of landscape and how it relates to nature, and how society manifests itself as a living space, the human figure looking down into the plain in Leinkauf's images could be understood as a focal point.

The photographic series can be seen not only in the exhibition context, but also throughout the Ruhr region and NRW in public spaces as a series of posters.

16 September 16 – 29 October
gallery alexander levy Berlin
in the context of Berlin Art Week

16 September 16, 6 pm–9 pm