© Heinrich Brinkmöller-Becker

The Ruhrtriennale is looking for male participants for the musical theatre production From the House of the Dead. Those interested should have previous experience in acting or dance as well as musical talent. At the same time, the participants will have the opportunity to accompany the work of the artists at close quarters. The so-called »silent roles« and other extras are needed. The extras have a central function, as they take over the scenic guidance of the audience (750 people) within the walk-through stage installation. We are looking for a total of 11 silent roles and 10 additional extras.

The silent roles should be available from 31 July to 6 August and from 21 August and on all performance dates.

The extras should be available from 14 August and on all performance dates.

Opening night is 31 August 2023, with further performances on 2/3/6/8/9 September 2023, each at 9 pm.

Rehearsal and performance venue is the Jahrhunderthalle in Bochum. Participation will be remunerated.

The casting will take place on 23 June 2023 with Dmitri Tcherniakov in Bochum. We look forward to receiving all registrations by 22 June to: casting@ruhrtriennale.de (contact person: Katharina Rückl)