Portrait Florentina Holzinger
Portrait Florentina Holzinger | © Apollonia Theresa Bitzan

In her works, choreographer Florentina Holzinger deliberately plays with the shifting boundaries between high culture and entertainment. At the beginning of her career, she was considered the »most provocative young choreographer« and received the renowned NESTROY Prize in the category »Best Director« in 2020. Holzinger is currently working on her new production A Divine Comedy for the Ruhrtriennale. In a giant anatomy hall, she takes on the visibility of death in our society and uses Dante's Divine Comedy as a vehicle for her journey between worlds. In the online conversation, you will have the opportunity to gain a personal insight into Florentina Holzinger's creative processes and sources of inspiration: On 15 August at 2 pm, the choreographer will present her production A Divine Comedy in conversation with Ruhrtriennale dramaturgue Sara Abbasi and give an exclusive look into the ongoing rehearsal process.