Construction process of the stage set in the Jahrhunderthalle 1 for »Ich geh unter lauter Schatten«
Construction process of the stage set in the Jahrhunderthalle 1 for »Ich geh unter lauter Schatten« | © Dominik Blase

With the new podcast series ZEIT für Kultur, theatre people, festival organisers, exhibition curators and other cultural professionals take us behind the scenes of their work. They shine the spotlight on the crucial debates of culture in the field of tension in society as a whole. What moves them? What inspires them? And how does culture contribute to addressing the big issues of our time with creative thought-provoking impulses?

Episode 2 illuminates the last great mystery of earthly existence: No one knows what awaits us after crossing the last great threshold. Art and culture are valuable companions to help us imagine the unimaginable and express the emotions associated with it. Struggling? Fulfilment? The second episode of the »ZEIT für Kultur«-Podcasts with theatre-maker Elisabeth Stöppler (Ich geh unter lauter Schatten) and other actors at this year's Ruhrtriennale is about how and with which facets transcendence can sound.

This podcast episode was produced by Studio ZX on behalf of the Ruhrtriennale. Studio ZX – a company of the ZEIT publishing group.