Nachtraum, Klangforum Wien, Daisy Press, Bas Wiegers
Nachtraum, Klangforum Wien, Daisy Press, Bas Wiegers | © Christian Palm / Ruhrtriennale 2021

Update: The second part of Nachtraum will be available for 30 days from Thursday, 24 March, in the WDR Audiothek. Find out more about the idea of the programme and background information in an interview between Johannes Zink and the festival's chief music dramaturge, Barbara Eckle.

On the last day of the Ruhrtriennale 2021, the audience, bedded down on mats, dived into a monumental Nachtraum with Klangforum Wien and followed composers with an affinity for night and darkness on different paths into the unfathomable intermediate realm of the unconscious.

On 4 January 2022, the concert in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum will be broadcast on WDR 3 and will be available for re-listening for 30 days the day after the broadcast.

You can find more information on the WDR 3 website.