Filmstill Euphoria
Filmstill Euphoria | © Julian Rosefeldt

The Völklinger Hütte World Cultural Heritage Site will host the institutional European première of Julian Rosefeldt’s celebrated new film installation, EUPHORIA (world premiere at the Ruhrtriennale 2022) from 11 December 2022 until 3 September 2023 along with a major exhibition of the artist’s work. Rosefeldt is famed for the visual opulence and virtuoso choreography of his film installations. JULIAN ROSEFELDT: WHEN WE ARE GONE presents seven of his (often large-scale) works from the last twenty years in specially chosen locations in and under the blower hall, which ranges across more than 6,000 square metres and features gigantic machines and flywheels. The interaction of art and industrial culture here reveals a breathtaking panorama of the Anthropocene Epoch. A look back at our past and present – WHEN WE ARE GONE.

Find out more about the exhibition here.