© Pascal Bünning

The Ruhrtriennale began on 10 August with the opening premiere of Shakespeare's masterpiece A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Kraftzentrale in the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord. With Dostoyevsky's Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch, played by Nina Hoss from 20 September to 23 September in the Mischanlaget of the Zollverein coking plant in Essen, director Barbara Frey now takes her leave as artistic director. In this production, the audience makes its way step by step, accompanied by a sound collage, to finally follow a furious monologue over tea and vodka.

Due to the great demand, it was possible at short notice to open previews to the public as part of a »Try out«. On Friday, 15 September and Saturday, 16 September, both at 3 pm, as well as Sunday, 17 September, at 8 pm, three additional dates can be offered to try out the special audience tour before the premiere on Wednesday, 20 September.

The regular performances on Wednesday, 20 September, Thursday, 21 September and Friday, 22 September, 8 pm as well as Saturday, 23 September, 3 pm (changed time!) are already sold out.

Tickets at a reduced admission price of EUR 22,- / reduced 12,- for the »Try out« dates at ruhr3.com/kellerloch