Wege, Tram Audio
Wege, Tram Audio | © Frederieke Tambaur/ Ruhrtriennale 2021

From 11 August to 18 September, the Ruhrtriennale 2022 will take place in the former industrial sites of the Metropole Ruhr. A total of eight locations in the cities of Bochum, Duisburg, Essen and Gladbeck will become venues for contemporary music, theatre, drama and art.

You can find all the important information about the former engine houses, blower halls and power stations under the menu item Venues. There you will also find tips for your journey.  Here we briefly summarise the topics and offers related to your journey by public transport:



Tickets for the Ruhrtriennale 2022 are valid on the day of the event in the entire Rhine-Ruhr transport network (VRR) on all buses and local trains (2nd class) for the outward and return journey to and from the venue. The tickets are valid on the day of the visit until 3 am the following day. The tickets are not transferable.

Timetable information

Information on connections, tickets and prices for local public transport can be found on the Verkehrsverbund Rhein Ruhr website.


With extra shuttle services to venues with poor public transport connections, we want to make it easier to get there by local transport. This includes, for example, events that take place in the Maschinenhalle Zweckel in Gladbeck. The service is free of charge. Further information about the service and registration can be found on the production page of the concert Schwerkraft und Gnade, which can be experienced in Gladbeck this year.

For events in the Gebläsehalle in the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord as well as the salt warehouse of the Zeche Zollverein Essen we offer a rickshaw shuttle. The two vehicles connect the venues with the nearest bus stop. The rickshaws run every 15 minutes from one hour before and until one hour after each performance in the Gebläsehalle or Salzlager and are free of charge.

Gebläsehalle, Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord:
Meiderich Bahnhof <<>> Landschaftspark Nord

Salzlager, Kokerei Zollverein Essen:
Zollverein Nord Bf <<>> Salzlager



If you are looking for or want to offer a ride, you can do so with the digital Ruhrtriennale pinboard. There you can post your offer or search for suitable rides. It's best to try it out directly!

Bicycle rental

Cycling is a good way to connect the venue with the nearest train station. If you need a rental bike, you can try the Metropolradruhr offer.

By the way, there are fantastic cycle paths to discover on the former railway lines. The Erzbahntrasse, for example, which leads directly to the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, is particularly recommendable. On the Radrevier Ruhr page you will find many tips for excursions and exciting cycling routes.

Do you have any further questions or need help planning your journey? We will be happy to help you at marketing@ruhrtriennale.de

We wish you a pleasant journey to the Ruhrtriennale 2022 and look forward to your visit!