© Jörg Brüggemann

[UPDATE] Dear audience, the bookings for the stage tour with Dmitri Tcherniakov as part of the music theatre production From the House of the Dead on 13 August are closed. We will be announcing two more dates shortly where you can experience the process of creating this production first hand. We will keep you up to date on our website, via our newsletter and on Facebook and Instagram.

Discover the stage design of the music theatre production Aus einem Totenhaus during an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the Ruhrtriennale. In the gigantic stage installation in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, the separation between stage action and audience is to be abolished and the audience is to be transported into the merciless prison world of Leoš Janáček's opera From the House of the Dead. Be the first to explore the stage set with star director Dmitri Tcherniakov and rehearse the audience's movement through the prison's architecture.

Dmitri Tcherniakov and Ruhrtriennale dramaturge Barbara Eckle will personally introduce the project during the guided tour and try out with you how the venture of abolishing the separation of stage and audience can best succeed.

Admission to the stage tour is free.

When: 13 August 2023, 6-7 pm
Where: Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, An der Jahrhunderthalle 1, 44793 Bochum
Admission: 5.45 pm at Gate 1 of the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum