© Martin Holtappels

What role does the industrial heritage of the Metropole Ruhr play for art and culture in the region? This will be discussed on Thursday, 8 September, at this year's Ruhr Cultural Conference at the LWL Industrial Museum Zeche Zollern in Dortmund. The 10th Ruhr Cultural Conference will take an inspiring look at one of the region's most prominent themes. In the Ruhrtriennale, the anniversary edition has found a cooperation partner that has been living exactly what it is all about for 20 years: the interplay of industrial heritage and culture.

After the welcoming address by NRW Minister of Culture Ina Brandes and the Chairman of the Ruhr Parliament, Dr. Frank Dudda, a series of keynote speeches and dialogue formats will follow, including with Ruhrtriennale Director Barbara Frey. The impulses will come from historian Prof. Dr. Lucian Hölscher, author Anna Mayr and the documentary film duo "loekenfranke". In the afternoon, seven panels will provide an in-depth examination of the main topic.